русский | українська | english | main | |
Presentation papers |
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Proceeding of the conference will be published and recorded on CD. Materials submitted for publication should meet the requirements listed below: – the volume of the article should not exceed 4 full pages. Paper size is A4 (210 x 297 mm). Margins – 20 mm around; – the text of the report, abstract, tables and drawings must be integrated in one piece. The contributions are to cover up to four full A4 pages including abstract (up to 50 words), tables and figures; – an article has to be typed in text editor Microsoft Word 97-2003 for Windows. You should work in automatic hyphenation mode. Font - Times New Roman, font 12, single line space interval between lines. Requirements to the text of the article: UDC - left-aligned, space at the bottom 12 pt; Information about authors – initials, surname, degree in science, in brackets - company, state. Text must be font 12, italic, right-aligned, space from below - 12 pt; Title of the article. The title must be as short as possible and to characterize precisely and briefly the area of submission (section) – font 12, bold, left-aligned, space from below - 12 pt, all letters capital, without hyphenation; Abstract - font 11, italic, left-aligned without the first line indent, space from left and right – 5mm, space from below - 12 pt, the text should not be longer than 5 lines; The text of the article - first line indent of the paragraph is 10 mm, the text must be justified; captions to figures, titles of the tables – font 11, the text must be centered; numbering of the tables – font 11, italic, right-alignment; formulas – it is recommended to use build-in Word for Windows Equation Editor using the following styles: Text, Function, Variable, Number – Times New Roman; L.C.Greek, U.C.Greek, Symbol – Symbol; Matrix/Vector – Times New Roman, bold. It is recommended to use such font sizes: Full- 12 pt, Subscript/Superscript - 7 pt, Symbol - 18 pt, Sub-Symbol – 12 pt; Conclusion Title – font 12, bold, separate section (space from above – 12 pt, from below – 6pt, centered) or inside the text. Text - font 12; References: Title (references) - font 12, bold, centered, space from above – 12 pt, from below – 6 pt; text must be typed as numbered list, space from left – 5mm; space from the first line of the paragraph – 5mm, space from below 6 pt, justified; surnames and initials of the authors of references, title of references, volume etc. – font 11, surnames and initials of the authors of references – italic. Reports in Ukraine, Russian or English must be printed in one copy and recorded on floppy disk 3,5" or CD. Reports in English can be accompanied with abstract in Ukrainian. One printed copy of the report and its version on a floppy disk or CD must be submitted to the conference committee. The information on the floppy disk must include: - text of the report with abstract (in the language of report) with tables, drawings and list of used references; - file of abstract with the title of the article and information about authors - all in English. Authors from Ukraine are to submit a copy of expert’s permission. Reports will be not edited before print. Authors are responsible for the content of the report.
Application areas | ||||
Participation fee | ||||
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Memorandum for participants | ||||
Contacts | ||||
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Брейн Депо c-format [2002] |